So, I am realizing that individuals are visiting my site; however, they are not commenting on my posts/questions. I am therefore posting a "How To" on commenting on my blog:
1. Click on the header of the post you wish to comment on
2. Read the post and a comment section (titled "Post a comment") should be at the end
3. Type what you wish in the comment section
4. Click on the drop down box labeled "Comment as:" and select "Name/URL"
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I want to hear your comments and use your input to better my business! I thank you for your support in my Mary Kay endeavor!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Beginning

So today it all started! I was standing there in front of 100 students listening to the giggles. Sweet giggles if I may so myself. New faces I had never seen and names that I will have to get used to. Mrs. Workman was the name of the hour and every child that said it brought so much joy to my heart. Now, don't worry in a couple of months if not days Mrs. Workman will also be the thing I dislike the most. However, for today it is welcome.

I chatted with the teachers as we got the classes broken up and then ushered out of the cafeteria. I made small talk with the custodian and then went on my way. My sweet servant of a husband showed up to help get the program underway. Let it be stated that the only thing that brings me more joy than hearing Mrs. Workman on these babies lips is hearing Mr. Workman. They love him and he knows it. Everywhere he goes the kids get this smile and they know that fun is about to be had!

3 hours came and went. I began releasing children back into the care of their parents. Some of them see me as a means to get their jobs done at work. Some solely look at me as their babysitter. Thats okay too. I know that for a little bit of the day the Lord gives me the opportunity to love on some kiddos that might not be able to loved otherwise. I give hugs when there are tears, band-aids when there is blood, and a smile when there is anger. This is my daily call as I work here in Galveston. Have I ever mentioned how VERY BLESSED I am?

One more thing on a more serious note! Today I got to hug on a little boy whose big brother was hit by a car right in front of him and passed away. Can I just say that God has entrusted HUGE things to me this year? I got to smile at his dad as he picked him up knowing that I pray abundant blessings over that family EVERY night. I love that family and you know what? They know.

Being busy right now is keeping me from thinking. I don't really know how great that is but for now I will take it! Thanks for listening to this rambling heart. I guess for now this is who I am.

Today was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous of your career!! :) I'm starting my certification in November hopefully if I pass the entrance exam. :)
